Become a Partner for Change Through Central Asia Economic Development

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Do you believe real and lasting positive change in the world is possible? If you do, and you want a role in effecting that change, consider a successful project directed toward sustainable social good.

Omega International creates a framework for social, economic, ecological and political change. We partner with individuals in local communities and with our donors worldwide and invite you to join us in this great effort.

We seek a thriving and secure Central Asia, a world that supports individual dignity and a peaceful, secure environment for families. Omega commits to equipping individuals to overcome their impossibilities and become leaders in the different areas of their society.

With this vision for Central Asia economic development, Omega International creates a framework for philanthropists to change the world. Victor Hugo said, “There is one thing more powerful than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.” Two intertwined ideas whose time has come inspire Omega International: social entrepreneurship and sustainability. 

Social entrepreneurship generates social value through creating sustainable change. Its goal is to achieve social, economic and environmental justice. Social entrepreneurship works toward this goal through businesses and projects that produce profit while they maintain a focus on systemic change. 

Sustainability is an equally important concept when we invest in programs directed toward social good. A program built on sand will wash away, but a program built on a firm foundation will last, continuing to contribute to changing the world for the better. Sustainability is holistic, bringing together social, economic, ecological and political considerations. This kind of change calls for individual responsibility and accountability from all of us as we move forward.

Omega International embraces these concepts and values as we work with people in local communities in Central Asia to fulfill their potential. As they empower and equip themselves through our programs to build their local communities, they, in turn, contribute to changing their world in positive ways. 

Omega International reaches out in four specific areas:

  • Educational, Conversational and Market Place Languages
  • Tourism and Hospitality Industry Skills
  • Sports Player, Coach and Support Staff Skills
  • Entrepreneurial Skills and Business Development 

Each program area contributes in powerful ways to equipping individuals to overcome their impossibilities and become leaders of their society. Each helps these individuals participate in achieving social, economic and environmental justice in their society. Each provides a firm foundation for sustainability and growth.

For those individuals who want to work in the global environment through trade or work in international humanitarian organizations, languages are essential. Those who want to share the beauty of their country with others while building the local economy, require tourism and hospitality industry skills. Sports bring people together in constructive ways, and sports businesses can also contribute to local economies. Local entrepreneurs learn how to develop successful business plans and launch their ideas for societal transformation and financial sustainability.

Our successful projects help local people create the programs in their communities that drive positive change. We offer leadership training, vocational training, work with local mothers, giving them the tools to become community leaders, train teachers to start schools where there are none and help villages build schools for the first time. 

Become part of positive change in the world. Be a partner in empowering and equipping individuals to serve their local communities as they develop toward a better future. If you are passionate about serving the world through an idea whose time has come, please contact us.