Central Asia Economic Development– Making it a Personal Endeavor

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To some who may hear about Central Asia economic development and think it isn’t a concern for them, here are some considerations:

1. Each person in this world adds significance and meaning to existence. As 16th Century poet, John Donne wrote, “No man is an island” and “Any man’s death diminishes of me”. Omega International understands this and makes continual progress in reducing poverty and mortality by developing job training centers in struggling areas such as Tajikstan and Uzbekistan.

2. One person, like you, actively makes a difference. By small means, many great things are accomplished. Just think of the many examples in nature! One such example is the single grain of sand that turns into a pearl through the adversity of pressure inside of an oyster shell. By donating even a small amount, you can turn the adversity of one person into the pearl of education that they will take with them their entire lives!

Here are some of the real facts about poverty in Central Asia (from worldbank.org):

1. Winter is so long and so cold that many low-income families spend a lot of their money buying coal and other supplies trying to keep warm.

2. A normal diet for a family almost never consists of meat and often, they won’t eat breakfast until it’s almost time for lunch. When they do, it is usually whatever vegetables they can get and rice.

3. The Gross National Income (GNI) was only $6,892 at the end of 2014.

4. Many times, the government does not know how to give assistance to those who are poor or even how to identify those who could use the assistance because they are struggling as well. 

For more information about how you can make Central Asia economic development a personal endeavor, please contact us.